Today I was looking back at my e-mail and I saw this few picture that are quite interesting.
Fruit! Yeah, fruit with dirty little wormy thingy. Oh yeah, who dun like it better when your fruit have little wormy insect thingy in or on it. Anyway, lets skip the small talk, the email is about washing your fruit with salt water. They said that when you wash your fruit with salt water, those yellow thingy will not hang on your fruits but will be swiming around the salt water, yeah. Of course they are died. Duhhh... Talking about salt and wormy thingy, last few days I saw a worm happly crawling in my toilet's floor. Guess what I did? I go take salt and put on it then flush it away "Amitofut". haha.. that was preety cruel right? Anyway it is picture time :)
lol...nice wo. d fruit got free worm. btw, this worm look a bit familiar...a bit pale...xD