For today blog I wants to write about our neighbor house that nearly got rob at early morning!!!! Nowadays Theft are so brave, go to rob people house at early morning.
Ok here is how to story goes.
At 3 something, the 3 robbers slowly drive through our neighborhood and stop at one of my neighbor house. We get to know the time the robbers drive-through is because of CCTV, those that does not have faster go to install now!! USEFUL man.
2 of the robbers climb into his house and one of them wait inside the car for a quick getaway. They even bring sleeping bag to sleep, woot how comfy~
At 6.30 am, when my neighbor wife wan send her standard 1 daughter to school. As she open the wooden door and the metal gate, the 2 robber tried to rush into her house with holding gun and knife. The wife shock and faster close the metal frame tried to stop them from coming in and shout for his husband. The husband rush down and fight with the 2 robbers tried not to let them in. Despite get cut and pointed by the gun, my neighbor dunno eat what medicine got the courage. His wife keep shout to his husband that dun let these robbers in or else it will be the end. Oh yeah the robbers have gun right you said? My neighbor said that they only heard "click!click!" sound... Luckily no water come out!! Haha...
As they are fighting and shouting there, all my neighbor heard of it and come running out shouting. The 2 shock and frighten robbers faster jump out of the fences and into the car for the quick getaway.
Yeah !!! Neighbor 1 , Robber 0; In your face stupid robber that come to rob in the morning when all are preparing to send their children to school.
As the robbers make their quick getaway, they left some item for my neighbor. Wah such good robbers. Hmm guess what they leave behind...
1. 2 Sleeping bag - RM30
2. 1 Camping bag - RM50
3. Mobile phone with Malay chick photo inside - RM200
4. Mask -RM5
5. Black Stick that use to beat people -RM10
6. Keys to dunno where -RM0
Hmm at least got around RM250. Generous robbers indeed.
Thanks to CCTV their car plate also been pass to police, although the car plate are usually fake but what the heck. Oh yeah that time all of the neighborhood dogs came out barking loud like shit, but Ethan still sleeping like a log. Haha ^^
The reason that house get aimed? The police said that these is not the first time. These robbers keep aiming for those that sell GOLD for their living. Haiz, this is because 9 out of 10 of them are rich.
All thanks to those neighbor that stood up for him :) But got 1 of the neighbor said that "Make your house so pretty for what? See robbers sure aim you." ZZZZzz.... Haiz some human are so ....
After this incident my house go put siren system =.= ZZzzzz and my neighborhood come out with a list of telephone number so we can contact each other in case of emergency.
Conclusion, nowadays theif cannot be smarter? sleep outside their door and try to rush in ??? with fake gun??? and early morning when all ready to go work or send their kids?? LOLs... Interesting!!!!
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