Ola ~ Ethan have nothing to do for tonight so He decide to write another post ^ ^
Hmm Today is another Rainy day at Kelantan :( But that didn't affect me much cause I stay indoor for the whole day. Guess what? Steamboat agian!!! Haha~ yeah Ethan love steamboat.. with the spicy Chilli, and tons of meatballs ^^ who can resists?
Hmm Today is another Rainy day at Kelantan :( But that didn't affect me much cause I stay indoor for the whole day. Guess what? Steamboat agian!!! Haha~ yeah Ethan love steamboat.. with the spicy Chilli, and tons of meatballs ^^ who can resists?
Lately, my family has been talking about Chinese New Year and already bought some Beer and Soft Drinks. This Sunday my mother plans to bring me to Tesco to shop for some Cans and other stuff to fit inside Hamper ^^ I don't understand why Chinese New Year people wants to give out free Hamper to others? I thought oranges are enough? Hiak hiak~
Oh yeah guys~ I already bought a sunglasses with my power ^^ Last night my uncle bring me to his friend's spec shop. My uncle friend used to be Ray-Ban representive sales person so his shop have a lot of Ray-Ban glasses but I lay my eyes on the Aviator type ^^ with gold stands and green/dark glass :) Woot~ After the fella get my power ( left 700 right 450), do a little friend chit chat wit my uncle and then pay the wit Visa :) The Sunglasses is then send to KL factory to cut and do their thingy, and I can get it after 1 week Yeah~~ Oh ya, the boss also got give 1 Ray-Ban bag for me ^^ nice~

Just now Two of my friends has start playing Patapon 2 and they love it ^^ You out there why don't give it a try? Despite the Japanese wording I think u can guess it out the game play ^^ Ok la I better sleep earlier tonight because tomorrow I need to wake up early haiz ~ Good nite guys