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Friday, October 31, 2008

Kao Jam (Green Rice)

Happy Halloween guys ^^ as usual halloween not popular here in Kelantan. You can hardly see any sign of Halloween here. But today my aunty cook a popular type of food at Kelantan called "Kao Jam" and I dare to said that it is the tastiest among other type of food at Kelantan. Here is a Picture of Kao Jam. Mmmmm... yummy ain't it?
The rice of "Kao Jam" is very special. The color of the rice is green, yeah GREEN. haha... last time i bring some friends from INTI to my hometown, they didn't even wanted to try this food out cause of the weird color. 
So this is basically the dining table of my house. As you can see we all use hand to eat this dish cause this dish is invented by Thai, plus the taste not same when you use spoon. I think is because dun have the taste of your sweaty hand and dirty finger nail, haha just kidding. Anyway we all need to wash hand before eat this, duuhhh.. Grown-up like to eat "Kao Jam" with the Green Chili (inside got fish meat). Oh ya, forgot to mention this "Kao JAm" dish is homemade :)
We basiccally include every thing inside our green rice and mix around to make "Kao Jam", but it is up to yourself either you want what vege or even PETAI (smelly bean, bluekkk). But I prefer my "Kao Jam" with a lot of onion. haha...
Then not to forgot to put in bits and pieces of fish meat in the left corner of the picture. Those are just every day's fried fish but remember to take out bones before tearing them to bits. See the right corner? The weird color soup you say? haha... "Budu" again... haha.. If you wondering what is "Budu", it is juice of fish. Hell yeah... You put fish inside a bottle and let it rot to become this juice. But must make sure no flies lay egg in it. Erm.. Yeah it is eatable.
Last but not least, my homemade Chili. Believe me when I said this Chili padi is FREAKING HOT!!!! Even me myself cannot put more than 2 spoon into my "Kao Jam". Oh yeah... then I need to drink 3 cup of water to cool things down. haha
When you got everything inside your dish. You mix everything around to make sure the taste is good. Say not too spicy on the left side or salty on the right side. And there you have it, "Kao Jam". Bon appétit

Remember to eat with fish crackers and with your hand.